Hall of Fame Information and Procedures


The Badger Foundation is the prime alumni organization for Tucson High School. It started in 1982 as a small group that raised funds for a Tucson High Jazz Band trip to Europe. By 1984, that nucleus grew into a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. The Foundation continues to honor education and strives to keep Tucson High students in school.

The Foundation provides financial assistance to Tucson High students, faculty, and staff, which enables students and student groups to participate in special activities when student activity funding is not available.

The Foundation also helps preserve the proud traditions and history of Tucson High. Its main sources of funding are membership dues, bequests, and donations from individuals and class reunions.

Mission Statement

The Badger Foundation strives to perpetuate the traditions and history of Tucson High School, to promote the educational and cultural activities of the students and alumni, and to encourage and support Tucson High students to graduate.

The Board of Directors will accept Hall of Fame nominations at the beginning of each calendar year

Applications must be postmarked by March 15th of any given year to be considered for that year’s ballot.



A person is eligible to be nominated for induction to the Badger Foundation Hall of Fame if the nominee attended/ graduated Tucson High at least 20 years ago, or as a member of the faculty or staff, up to including the current year. The nominee’s biography should include service to Tucson High and/or contributions to his/her city, state, national or international communities, whose service would be an inspiration to current Tucson High students.

Membership of the Tucson High Badger Foundation is encouraged to submit a nomination. Membership of the 2 references are also encouraged to be members of the Badger Foundation. Note: Previous years’ nominees who were not selected to be on the ballot or elected to the Hall of Fame are eligible for re-nomination by formal request to the Hall of Fame Committee Chair, Elma Aguilar Damon at 520-403-5765 or via email: aguilardamon@comcast.net. Anyone interested in submitting a nomination to the Badger Foundation Hall of Fame may request an application by writing to the Badger Foundation at the address listed above. The form, as well as an application for THS Badger Foundation membership, may be downloaded and printed from our website www.badgerfoundation.org., or email aguilardamon@comcast.net to request electronic copies.

Voting Pool

Hall of Fame voting is a privilege that is given to those who meet any one of the following criteria:

  1. Lifetime membership in the Tucson High Badger Foundation
  2. Yearly membership
  3. Past or present service on the Foundation’s Board of Directors
  4. Previous induction into the Hall of Fame

As to items No. 2, 3, and 4, membership of the Foundation must be in good standing.

The Hall of Fame Process

March: Review – The Hall of Fame Committee will compile information on the nominees for submission to the Board. The information will include candidate interviews and biography approval. (To be completed by March 1st.)

April: Screening – The Hall of Fame Committee will compile and forward rating results to the Board listing the candidates that will be placed on the ballot. Candidates will be asked to provide a digital photograph to be included with the ballot package.

May: Election – The candidate’s biography and ballots will be available to the voting pool by May 1. All ballots returned before May 31st will be counted.

June: Ballot tabulation – The Hall of Fame Committee will tabulate the results of the election which will be presented to the Board. Inductees or their designated family member/representative and the primary nominator will be notified of the election results.

September: Collection of materials – The Hall of Fame Committee will be in touch with the inductee-elect or their designated family member/representative to collect various materials needed for the induction ceremony.

October: Induction – Induction into the Hall of Fame will take place at the Badger Foundation’s Annual Meeting/Hall of Fame Breakfast to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2025.